参考:https://blog.csdn.net/ykf173/article/details/86747592 http://www.cips-cl.org/static/anthology/CCL-2015/CCL-15-019.pdf
参考:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/59071889 https://github.com/NLPpupil/gale_and_church_align https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/J93-1004.pdf
Gale和Church在1993年提出了一个基于长度进行句对齐的算法,并在附录里公开了C源代码。这篇论文相当经典,以至于之后的关于句对齐的论文大多数要引用它。论文的题目是 A Program for Aligning Sentences in Bilingual Corpora。这个方法适合欧美语系,思想就是根据句子的长度来比较的。比较出名的hunalign工具是基于galechurch想法写的,并做了改进。Hunalign可以用于十几种语句的对齐,但是很遗憾,中文不太使用,但是也不是完全不适用,只是效果不太好。LF就是根据它做了一些小的改进,对其效果还可以。
句子 一个短的字符串。
段落 语文里的自然段。分为源语言L1的段落和目标语言L2的段落,或称原文段落和译文段落。段落由一个序列的连续句子组成。
片段 一个序列的连续的句子,是段落的子集。对应论文中的portion of text。
片段对 原文片段和译文片段组成的对。
$l_1, l_2$分别对应片段对中原文部分和译文部分的字符总数。
$c, s^2$ 假设源语言中的一个字符在目标语言中对应的字符数是一个随机变量,且该随机变量服从正态分布 N(c, s^2) 。(如何估计可参考:https://www.zhihu.com/question/39080163 )
$\delta$ 论文中定义为 $\left(l_{2}-l_{1} c\right) / \sqrt{l_{1} s^{2}}$。每一个片段对都有自己的一个$\delta$$。
对齐模式 或称匹配模式 ,描述一个句块对由几个原文句子和几个译文句子组成。比如1-2表示一个原文句子翻译成两个译文句子的对齐模式。
match 对齐模式的概率分布。
距离 (distance measure) 衡量片段对两个片段之间的距离。距离度量是对$-\log (\operatorname{Prob}(\operatorname{match} | \delta))$的估计。当一个片段对确定后,我们就知道它的mathc和$\delta$。距离越大,此片段对对齐的概率越小。
片段对序列 一个序列的片段对,这些片段对的原文部分的集合是原文段落的一个划分,译文部分的集合是译文段落的一个划分。
距离和 距离和是片段对序列中所有片段对的
对齐序列 距离和最小的片段对序列。
对齐算法的输入是某一对相互对齐的段落,输出是对齐序列。接下来就变成了动态规划问题,类似最小编辑距离。片段对序列那么多,哪个是对齐序列呢?如果用穷举法,计算量太大,显然不现实。换个角度想,假设我们已经知道了对齐序列,用$D(i, j)$表示该对齐序列的距离和,其中$i$是原文段落最后一个句子的index,$j$是译文段落最后一个句子的index。对齐序列的距离和可以表示成最后一个片段对的距离加上去掉最后一个片段对的剩下的片段对序列的距离和(可以认为对齐序列的子序列也是对齐序列)。最后一个片段对有六种对齐模式,所以要对每种模式分情况讨论,选择结果最小的那个。动态规划的递归式就是这么来的。
$D(i, j)=\min \left\{\begin{array}{ccc}D(i, j-1) & + & d\left(0, t_{j} ; 0,0\right) \ D(i-1, j) & + & d\left(s_{i}, 0 ; 0,0\right) \ D(i-1, j-1) & + & d\left(s_{i}, t_{j} ; 0,0\right) \ D(i-1, j-2) & + & d\left(s_{i}, t_{j} ; 0, t_{j-1}\right) \ D(i-2, j-1) & + & d\left(s_{i}, t_{j} ; s_{i-1}, 0\right) \ D(i-2, j-2) & + & \left.d\left(s_{i}, t_{j};s_{i-1}, t_{j-1}\right)\right\}\end{array}\right.$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 import math import scipy.stats # 先使用统计的方法计算出对齐模式的概率分布 match = {(1, 2): 0.023114355231143552, (1, 3): 0.0012165450121654502, (2, 2): 0.006082725060827251, (3, 1): 0.0006082725060827251, (1, 1): 0.9422141119221411, (2, 1): 0.0267639902676399} # 源语言的一个字符对应于目标语言的字符数(正太分布)的均值 c = 1.467 # 源语言的一个字符对应于目标语言的字符数(正太分布)的方差 s2 = 6.315 def prob_delta(delta): return scipy.stats.norm(0,1).cdf(delta) def length(sentence): punt_list = ',.!?:;~,。!?:;~”“《》' sentence = sentence return sum(1 for char in sentence if char not in punt_list) def distance(partition1,partition2,match_prob): l1 = sum(map(length,partition1)) l2 = sum(map(length,partition2)) try: delta = (l2-l1*c)/math.sqrt(l1*s2) except ZeroDivisionError: return float('inf') prob_delta_given_match = 2*(1 - prob_delta(abs(delta))) try: return - math.log(prob_delta_given_match) - math.log(match_prob) except ValueError: return float('inf') def align(para1,para2): """ 输入两个句子序列,生成句对 句对是倒序的,从段落结尾开始向开头对齐 """ align_trace = {} for i in range(len(para1) + 1): for j in range(len(para2) + 1): if i == j == 0: align_trace[0, 0] = (0, 0, 0) else: align_trace[i,j] = (float('inf'),0,0) for (di, dj), match_prob in match.items(): if i-di>=0 and j-dj>=0: align_trace[i,j] = min(align_trace[i,j],(align_trace[i-di, j-dj][0] + distance(para1[i-di:i],para2[j-dj:j],match_prob), di, dj)) i, j = len(para1), len(para2) while True: (c, di, dj) = align_trace[i, j] if di == dj == 0: break yield ''.join(para1[i-di:i]), ''.join(para2[j-dj:j]) i -= di j -= dj
参考:https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/L06-1465/ https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C10-2081.pdf https://github.com/LowResourceLanguages/champollion
1 2 a. Marketplace bombing kills 23 in Iraq b. 伊拉克 集市 爆炸 造成 23 人 死亡
在这个例子中,(23, 23)这个pair相比于(Iraq, 伊拉克)更重要。因为(Iraq, 伊拉克)相比于(23, 23)更经常出现。 Champollion因此赋予更少出现的translation pair更大的权重。
Champollion对于每个segment pair(每个segment有1~多句话)进行打分,对于非1~1对齐进行了惩罚
句子相似度计算 论文将计算相似度问题转化为检索系统中计算query跟document相似度的问题。计算stf=segment term frequency(某个term在一个segment中出现的次数),定义$\text {idtf}=\frac{T}{ \text {occurences}_{-} \text {in}_{-} \text {the}_{-} \text {document}}$,其中T是document中的总term数。stf衡量term在segment中重要性,idtf衡量term在document中重要性。 Stf-idtf衡量了一个translate-pair对两个segment对齐的重要性。
Champollion将两个segment看成对顺序不敏感的词袋:$\begin{array}{l}E=\left\{e_{1}, e_{2}, \ldots, e_{m-1}, e_{m}\right\} \ C=\left\{c_{1}, c_{2}, \ldots, c_{n-1}, c_{n}\right\}\end{array}$。
定义k个在两个segment中出现的translate-pair:$P=\left\{\left(e_{1}^{\prime}, c_{1}^{\prime}\right),\left(e_{2}^{\prime}, c_{2}^{\prime}\right) \ldots\left(e_{k}^{\prime}, c_{k}^{\prime}\right)\right\}$,则E和C的相似度定义为:
$\begin{array}{l}\operatorname{sim}(E, C)=\sum_{i=1}^{k} \lg \left(\operatorname{stf}\left(e_{i}^{\prime}, c_{i}^{\prime}\right)^{} i d t f\left(e_{i}^{\prime}\right)\right. \ \text { alignment }_{-} \text {penalty } \ \text { +length_penalty }(E, C)\end{array}$
其中alignment_penalty是一个[0, 1]的值,对于1-1的对齐其值为1。length_penalty是一个函数,对于长度不匹配的翻译要进行一下惩罚。
动态规划算法 Champollion允许1-0, 0-1, 1-1, 2-1, 1-2, 1-3, 3-1, 1-4 和 4-1对齐,其动态规划转移方程为:
$S(i, j)=\max \left\{\begin{array}{c}S(i-1, j)+\operatorname{sim}(i, \phi) \ S(i, j-1)+\operatorname{sim}(\phi, j) \ S(i-1, j-1)+\operatorname{sim}(i, j) \ S(i-1, j-2)+\operatorname{sim}(i, j-1) \ S(i-2, j-1)+\operatorname{sim}(i-1, j) \ S(i-2, j-2)+\operatorname{sim}(i-1, j-1) \ S(i-1, j-3)+\operatorname{sim}(i, j-2) \ S(i-3, j-1)+\operatorname{sim}(i-2, j) \ S(i-1, j-4)+\operatorname{sim}(i, j-3) \ S(i-4, j-1)+\operatorname{sim}(i-3, j)\end{array}\right.$
参考:https://github.com/machinalis/yalign https://mailman.uib.no/public/corpora/2013-September/018912.html
在序列对齐上,Yalign使用Needleman-Wunch算法的一个变体来查找两个给定文档中的句子之间的最佳对齐。它带来的优点是,使该算法具有多项式时间最坏情况的复杂性,并产生最优对齐。反之其缺点是不能处理相互交叉的对齐或从两个句子到一个句子的对齐。关于Needleman-Wunch算法可参考https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/26212767 。
Sentence: 训练数据的基本类型,继承list
YalignModel: 主类,配合basic_model函数进行模型训练、导入、预测
参考:https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W11-4624.pdf https://github.com/rsennrich/Bleualign
参考:https://github.com/thompsonb/vecalign Vecalign: Improved Sentence Alignment in Linear Time and Space(https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-1136.pdf)
vecalign计算句子相似度的方法跟之前不同,它使用了facebook开源的laser embedding进行句子相似度计算,计算公式如下:$c(x, y)=\frac{(1-\cos (x, y))_{\text {nSents }}(x) \text { nSents }(y)}{\sum_{s=1}^{S} 1-\cos \left(x, y_{s}\right)+\sum_{s=1}^{S} 1-\cos \left(x_{s}, y\right)}$,且对于非1-1对齐采取了一定的惩罚。下面是它的核心代码:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 def vecalign(vecs0, vecs1, final_alignment_types, del_percentile_frac, width_over2, max_size_full_dp, costs_sample_size, num_samps_for_norm, norms0=None, norms1=None): if width_over2 < 3: logger.warning( 'width_over2 was set to %d, which does not make sense. ' 'increasing to 3.', width_over2) width_over2 = 3 # make sure input embeddings are norm==1 make_norm1(vecs0) make_norm1(vecs1) # save off runtime stats for summary runtimes = OrderedDict() # Determine stack depth s0, s1 = vecs0.shape[1], vecs1.shape[1] max_depth = 0 while s0 * s1 > max_size_full_dp ** 2: max_depth += 1 s0 = s0 // 2 s1 = s1 // 2 # init recursion stack # depth is 0-based (full size is 0, 1 is half, 2 is quarter, etc) stack = {0: {'v0': vecs0, 'v1': vecs1}} # downsample sentence vectors t0 = time() for depth in range(1, max_depth + 1): stack[depth] = {'v0': downsample_vectors(stack[depth - 1]['v0']), 'v1': downsample_vectors(stack[depth - 1]['v1'])} runtimes['Downsample embeddings'] = time() - t0 # compute norms for all depths, add sizes, add alignment types t0 = time() for depth in stack: stack[depth]['size0'] = stack[depth]['v0'].shape[1] stack[depth]['size1'] = stack[depth]['v1'].shape[1] if depth == 0: stack[depth]['alignment_types'] = final_alignment_types else: stack[depth]['alignment_types'] = [(1, 1)] if depth == 0 and norms0 is not None: if norms0.shape != vecs0.shape[:2]: print('norms0.shape:', norms0.shape) print('vecs0.shape[:2]:', vecs0.shape[:2]) raise Exception('norms0 wrong shape') stack[depth]['n0'] = norms0 else: stack[depth]['n0'] = compute_norms( stack[depth]['v0'], stack[depth]['v1'], num_samps_for_norm) if depth == 0 and norms1 is not None: if norms1.shape != vecs1.shape[:2]: print('norms1.shape:', norms1.shape) print('vecs1.shape[:2]:', vecs1.shape[:2]) raise Exception('norms1 wrong shape') stack[depth]['n1'] = norms1 else: stack[depth]['n1'] = compute_norms( stack[depth]['v1'], stack[depth]['v0'], num_samps_for_norm) runtimes['Normalize embeddings'] = time() - t0 # Compute deletion penalty for all depths t0 = time() for depth in stack: stack[depth]['del_knob'] = make_del_knob( e_laser=stack[depth]['v0'][0, :, :], f_laser=stack[depth]['v1'][0, :, :], e_laser_norms=stack[depth]['n0'][0, :], f_laser_norms=stack[depth]['n1'][0, :], sample_size=costs_sample_size) stack[depth]['del_penalty'] = \ stack[depth]['del_knob'].percentile_frac_to_del_penalty( del_percentile_frac) logger.debug('del_penalty at depth %d: %f', depth, stack[depth]['del_penalty']) runtimes['Compute deletion penalties'] = time() - t0 tt = time() - t0 logger.debug( '%d x %d full DP make features: %.6fs (%.3e per dot product)', stack[max_depth]['size0'], stack[max_depth]['size1'], tt, tt / (stack[max_depth]['size0'] + 1e-6) / (stack[max_depth]['size1'] + 1e-6)) # full DP at maximum recursion depth t0 = time() stack[max_depth]['costs_1to1'] = make_dense_costs(stack[max_depth]['v0'], stack[max_depth]['v1'], stack[max_depth]['n0'], stack[max_depth]['n1']) runtimes['Full DP make features'] = time() - t0 t0 = time() _, stack[max_depth]['x_y_tb'] = dense_dp( stack[max_depth]['costs_1to1'], stack[max_depth]['del_penalty']) stack[max_depth]['alignments'] = dense_traceback( stack[max_depth]['x_y_tb']) runtimes['Full DP'] = time() - t0 # upsample the path up to the top resolution compute_costs_times = [] dp_times = [] upsample_depths = [0, ] if max_depth == 0 else list( reversed(range(0, max_depth))) for depth in upsample_depths: if max_depth > 0: # upsample previoius alignment to current resolution course_alignments = upsample_alignment( stack[depth + 1]['alignments']) # features may have been truncated when downsampleing, # so alignment may need extended extend_alignments( course_alignments, stack[depth]['size0'], stack[depth]['size1']) # in-place else: # We did a full size 1-1 search, # so search same size with more alignment types course_alignments = stack[0]['alignments'] # convert couse alignments to a searchpath stack[depth]['searchpath'] = alignment_to_search_path( course_alignments) # compute ccosts for sparse DP t0 = time() stack[depth]['a_b_costs'], stack[depth]['b_offset'] = \ make_sparse_costs(stack[depth]['v0'], stack[depth]['v1'], stack[depth]['n0'], stack[depth]['n1'], stack[depth]['searchpath'], stack[depth]['alignment_types'], width_over2) tt = time() - t0 num_dot_products = len(stack[depth]['b_offset']) * \ len(stack[depth]['alignment_types']) * width_over2 * 2 logger.debug('%d x %d sparse DP (%d alignment types, %d window) ' 'make features: %.6fs (%.3e per dot product)', stack[max_depth]['size0'], stack[max_depth]['size1'], len(stack[depth]['alignment_types']), width_over2 * 2, tt, tt / (num_dot_products + 1e6)) compute_costs_times.append(time() - t0) t0 = time() # perform sparse DP stack[depth]['a_b_csum'], stack[depth]['a_b_xp'], \ stack[depth]['a_b_yp'], stack[depth]['new_b_offset'] = \ sparse_dp( stack[depth]['a_b_costs'], stack[depth]['b_offset'], stack[depth]['alignment_types'], stack[depth]['del_penalty'], stack[depth]['size0'], stack[depth]['size1']) # performace traceback to get alignments and alignment scores # for debugging, avoid overwriting stack[depth]['alignments'] akey = 'final_alignments' if depth == 0 else 'alignments' stack[depth][akey], stack[depth]['alignment_scores'] = \ sparse_traceback(stack[depth]['a_b_csum'], stack[depth]['a_b_xp'], stack[depth]['a_b_yp'], stack[depth]['new_b_offset'], stack[depth]['size0'], stack[depth]['size1']) dp_times.append(time() - t0) runtimes['Upsample DP compute costs'] = sum(compute_costs_times[:-1]) runtimes['Upsample DP'] = sum(dp_times[:-1]) runtimes['Final DP compute costs'] = compute_costs_times[-1] runtimes['Final DP'] = dp_times[-1] return stack